Community Collaborations
When the library builds partnerships, it strengthens the ties to its community, shares resources, and builds positive relationships with diverse stakeholders. Reaching out to initiate community partnerships begins with identifying both traditional and non-traditional partners and exploring new ways to work together. Effective collaborations are sustained through a shared commitment to serving the ever-changing needs of the community. The Perry Public Library values its community partnerships and recognizes the importance of these community collaborations.
Current Collaborations
Perry Community School District
At Perry Community School District, we are committed to continually improving how we serve our students, families, and community. We would appreciate your input through our District Needs Assessment Survey to help us understand how we're doing and where we can improve.
If you already completed the survey during Parent/Teacher Conferences, there’s no need to do so again. For those who haven't had a chance to respond, the survey will remain open until Friday, November 15.
Your feedback is vital to our ongoing efforts, and we deeply appreciate your time and participation.
Thank you for helping make Perry Community School District a great place to learn and grow!
Perry Community School District
Iowa Workforce Development