WOW Wednesdays will meet each Wednesday this school year and every WOW Wednesday will be open to kindergarten through fifth grade students. Each month will feature a unique theme. We will do hands-on STEM experiments and activities and there will be access to our Maker Space cart.

Join D&D enthusiast, Alex, as she invites players into the world of Dungeons and Dragons and a new campaign, CandleKeep Mysteries. Whether you are new to Dungeons and Dragons, or a more experienced player, patrons 10 and older are invited to join us in the Perry Public Library Community Room on Tuesday nights.

Tween Zone is a weekly program for "tweens," upper elementary students in third through fifth grades Every week will be different! We will have games, contests, crafts, and lots of other activities, including our BEAM projector with 100 games activated by your feet!

Local Chess Instructor David Oliveira is partnering with the Perry Public Library to teach, mentor, and play chess with players of all ages and experience levels. Whether you are new to chess or looking for a challenging game, mark your Thursday evenings in September for chess instruction and walk-in play at the Library. Students, grades K-12, will meet from 4:30 pm to 5:30 pm, in the library Board Room.