Walking School Bus


What is a Walking School Bus?   

In the search for ways to make walking to school safer, more fun and more convenient, the Perry Public  Library has partnered with the Perry Elementary School to offer the Walking School Bus program for our community. A walking school bus is simply a group of children walking to school on a selected day with trained adult community volunteers.

What is the Walking School Bus schedule?

There are normally two sessions (Spring and Fall) of the program each school year. The program is dependent on the ability to have an adequate number of volunteers. Information will be posted when available.

Students should meet at the Perry High School on Walking School Bus days in front of the Performing Arts Center between 7:15am-7:30am. We will leave the high school at 7:30am and arrive at the elementary school by 8:00am. Please dress appropriately for the weather.

Who can participate?

The program is open to any Perry Elementary student in Pre-K through 5th grade with parental permission.

Is there a weather policy?

Extremely cold temperatures and rainy weather are grounds for the cancellation of the Walking School Bus. Please provide a mobile number for a text message alert for weather cancellations.