Food Insecurity: The Issue


Video Resource


At the Table: Season 21

This informative series by PBS, in partnership with the Cargill Foundation, discusses the issues that we face in our society concerning the food environment in relation to social and distribution factors. The Public Broadcasting System is a leading authority in providing accurate and informative material for the public. Through the use of real person and authentic interviews, this series highlights the large impact of this issue.

The episode "What is Food Insecurity" deals specifically with food insecurity and the definition.

Food Insecurity Defined: The U.S. Department of Agriculture (USDA) defines food insecurity as a lack of consistent access to enough food for an active, healthy life. It is important to know that though hunger and food insecurity are closely related, they are distinct concepts. Food insecurity refers to a lack of available financial resources for food at the household level.


PBS. (2021a, March 24). What is food insecurity [Video]. YouTube.


Feeding America. (2020). Understand food insecurity. Hunger + Health.

Web Resource


USA Facts

What is Food Insecurity

USA Facts Logo.png

USA Facts is a website that details numbers affecting various national issues. This is a nonpartisan organization that provides unbiased information. The numbers are retrieved from government sources to ensure accuracy in reporting. The website goes into great detail outlining specific numbers of those affected and breaks it out by age and population type. It further offers additional resources to find out more information pertaining to the issues of Food Insecurity.

Local Resource


In Our Community

Perry Food Pantry

Our local community has seen the need for a food pantry since its development in 1981. Below is a recent report distributed to community members on the recent impact it has had on community households. Food insecurity can happen to anyone at any time. The report below highlights the fact that over 68% of the households served needed the use of the food pantry only 1 to 3 times during the 2021 year. Our local food pantry is an oasis in the middle of a desert.


Perry Area Emergency Food Council. (2022). [Information handout given to community members at recent ribbon cutting]. Lou Hoger.



Perry Food Pantry Mission

The heart of our mission is to provide healthy, nutritious food and personal hygiene items to our customers who are experiencing need due to unemployment, layoffs due to health issues or worksite changes, family crises, or financial crisis, temporary or chronic.


Perry Area Emergency Food Council. (2022). [Information handout given to community members at recent ribbon cutting]. Lou Hoger.


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Graphics designed by Misty VonBehren with information provided by Perry Area Emergency Food Coucil.